
  • 1) 医生转诊
  • 2) Insurance coverage
  • 3) 持续支持


Your doctor or healthcare provider will refer you to Option Care Health to receive home or alternate site infusion therapy. Like other prescriptions, your insurance coverage will need to be verified. Fortunately, you have an experienced team of professional reimbursement specialists ready to work for you.

您的 Option Care Health 注册专员

Option Care Health 患者注册专员会联系您以审查您的保险承保范围并确认您的信息。他们将解释保险授权过程,然后联系您的保险公司,以验证您的保险赔偿费,为您的治疗获得保险授权。


一旦获得保险授权,我们的患者注册专员将会与您一起检查您的保险赔偿费,并与您讨论您可能要负责的任何自付费用。Option Care Health 将对您的保险收费,协助您安全地在线管理您的财务责任。

我们致力于为患者提供费用最低的输液治疗护理方案。Option Care Health 协调使用制造商援助共付计划,并作为签约的网内提供商为患者提供服务,以将输液治疗费用降到最低。


Option Care Health 是在开放和有限的分销网络中提供专业输液疗法的行业领导者。

1. January-December 2019 patient satisfaction data. Survey of 9,878 patients.
2. Data on file, Option Care Health
3. January-December 2020, total Option Care Health unique patients serviced.

Patient satisfaction


Years of experience providing infusion therapy

1. January-December 2019 patient satisfaction data. Survey of 9,878 patients.
2. Data on file, Option Care Health
3. January-December 2020, total Option Care Health unique patients serviced.

Multidisciplinary clinicians

1. January-December 2019 patient satisfaction data. Survey of 9,878 patients.
2. Data on file, Option Care Health
3. January-December 2020, total Option Care Health unique patients serviced.

Patients treated annually

We are the only national infusion provider in-network with all of the following national, regional and local payers: