Enteral Nutrition (EN), also called Tube Feeding, is provided to people who cannot consume enough or absorb enough nutrients to meet their body’s nutritional needs. EN provides a nutritionally complete formula directly into the stomach or small intestine through a flexible, hollow tube.

New patients have many questions and concerns when they begin an EN regimen at home. For Home Enteral Nutrition Therapy patients, Option Care Health’s Registered Dietitians can work with you and your prescriber to determine the best formula for your clinical condition and your individual needs.

Our Clinical Transition Specialist will work with you and your family until you are confident in knowing exactly how to prepare for and administer your feeding. You will also receive detailed written instructions and have access to extensive resources to help you along the way. In the meantime, this “Getting Started” guide is intended to help answer some of your basic questions.

Home Enteral Nutrition Basics

How is EN administered?

EN can be given through a tube that is inserted into the nose (nasogastric tube) or a tube that is placed directly into the stomach (PEG or G-tube) or small intestine (J-tube). Your Prescriber will determine the right type of tube for you.

Based on your clinical condition, EN can be provided through your tube in one of three ways:

  1. Bolus: Bolus, or syringe, feeding uses a syringe to push or funnel formula into your tube
  2. Gravity: Gravity feeding uses the pressure created by gravity to push formula from a feeding bag into your feeding tube
  3. Pump: Pump-assisted feeding delivers formula at a consistent rate through the feeding tube

Your Option Care Health Registered Dietician can obtain orders from your prescriber and discuss with you how much formula and water you need each day in order to meet your nutritional needs.

How will I receive my formula and supplies?

After your prescriber sends us your information and we have verified everything, your delivery will be sent to your preferred address in a timely, safe and professional manner. We take pride in the quality of our supplies and delivery.

Will my insurance cover what I need?

Insurance benefits vary according to the individual insurance plan. Our Benefits Coordinator will work with your insurance provider on your behalf. Financial information and insurance coverage will be discussed with you before your service begins.

What additional resources are available?

Option Care Health has various resources to help you along the way—whether you are new to EN or have been a long-time patient. Visit our Patient Resources for more information, or contact your Option Care Health RD for more individualized education. You may also contact the Oley Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides information and support for nutrition patients. You can visit them at www.oley.org.

What to expect from us

What can I expect from Option Care Health before I begin therapy?

  • We will ensure you understand your insurance coverage and out of pocket expenses.
  • We will review our paperwork and explain the process going forward.
  • We will work with your prescriber or hospital team to make your transition home a successful one.
  • We provide one-to-one education and support. We will set up a time to teach you and/or your loved one all about the therapy you are receiving and answer all of your questions.
  • We will find out how best to contact you going forward.
  • We will be sure you know how to contact us and where to find resources to make your therapy most successful.

What can I expect from Option Care Health after starting therapy?

  • Our clinical team is available around the clock to answer any questions you have.
  • We will contact you, based on your communication preference, to see how you are doing, schedule your refill and confirm your delivery.
  • We will contact your prescriber for continuation orders, updated clinical information, or anything else your insurance company requires for authorization.
  • We will obtain necessary authorization from your insurance so you never have to worry about your coverage.

Connect with Option Care Health

With over 2 million patients receiving Nutrition Support Services and other forms of infusion therapy at home or at the infusion sites, Option Care Health is one of the most successful and experienced outpatient infusion therapy providers. Connect with us to see if there is an infusion site near you or speak to a representative to see if in-home infusion therapy is an option for your patients.

If you are already a patient, contact us via your local Care Management Centers or by calling 844.624.4584. We’re here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.