Gastroparesis refers to a delay in emptying stomach contents.  Symptoms often include feeling full after eating a meal, or even a small amount of food, as well as nausea, vomiting, bloating or abdominal pain. The causes of gastroparesis may include diabetes mellitus, complications after surgery, kidney disease, certain medications, thyroid disorders, cancer, among others.

The following tips are intended to reduce symptoms and help maintain adequate nutrition.


  • Eat small, frequent meals (5-6 or more per day is recommended)
  • Start with the most nutritious foods first before consuming snacks or empty calories
  • Chew all foods well
  • Sit upright during meals and for 1-2 hours afterward


  • Limit dietary fat intake, avoiding high fat, fried or greasy foods. Liquid fat in beverages is likely better tolerated such as cream or half-and-half.
  • Limit dietary fiber intake as this slows stomach emptying and can cause gas and bloating. Look for low fiber foods with < 2 grams fiber/serving.



  • Stay hydrated. Most adults need 6-10 cups of water per day. Sip slowly throughout the day.
  • Drink fluids with meals, however; be sure not to fill up on liquids
  • Avoid carbonated beverages as they can cause bloating


  • Avoid alcohol as it can affect stomach emptying
  • Foods that are acidic, spicy, or contain caffeine or mint may increase acid reflux
  • Keep blood sugars under control if you have diabetes
  • Keep a food diary to track your intake and find foods that are best tolerated
  • Exercise may increase stomach emptying and reduce symptoms. Walking after meals is suggested.

See below for help in choosing more optimal foods from each food group:


Gastroparesis Sample Menus  

Please visit Restore+ to learn more about the nutrition support services offered by Option Care Health.

*This material is for informational purposes only. It does not replace the advice or counsel of a healthcare professional. Please consult with your Registered Dietitian for more detailed, individualized information.

Dining out at restaurants is a nice treat but also challenging when trying to stick with your therapeutic diet, especially with gastrointestinal diseases. Most restaurants have menus and nutritional information available online. Restaurants are not required to have nutrition information available if they have less than 20 locations. Follow these tips to navigate eating out if you have specialized nutrition needs.


  • Research the menu online
  • Pick a cuisine you tolerate
  • Ask server for nutritional information or ingredients if not listed on the menu
  • Do NOT be afraid to ask to customize the meal or ask for specific changes
  • Communicate with wait staff if you have a food allergy or intolerance

Please visit Restore+ to learn more about the nutrition support services offered by Option Care Health.

*This material is for informational purposes only. It does not replace the advice or counsel of a healthcare professional. Please consult with your Registered Dietitian for more detailed, individualized information.

Short bowel syndrome (SBS), or intestinal failure, is a condition in which your body is unable to absorb enough nutrients from foods and fluids you consume. This can occur after a surgical resection or damage to your intestines. Symptoms and absorption vary by individual based on the amount and health of the remaining intestine. Symptoms of SBS can include diarrhea, dehydration, electrolyte abnormalities, and weight loss.  

The following tips are intended to maximize absorption, improve your nutritional status and reduce dependence on parenteral nutrition. 

  • Mealtime
    • Eat small, frequent meals (6-8 per day)
  • Foods
    • Eat protein at all meals: eggs, creamy peanut butter, chicken, fish, beef, tofu
    • Choose complex carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes
    • Limit raw vegetables to small amounts
    • Avoid fruits with skin or edible seeds
    • Limit raw fruits to very small portion twice a day
    • Increase your soluble fiber to thicken output with foods such as bananas, applesauce, rice, oatmeal or use of soluble fiber supplements
    • Avoid high fat foods such as fried foods if your colon is intact
    • Use caution with dairy products – lactose intolerance is common with SBS
    • Avoid concentrated sweets such as candy, desserts, and juice
    • Avoid foods artificially sweetened with sorbitol or mannitol (Splenda® is okay)
  • Fluids
    • Drink isotonic fluids (with electrolytes), ideally oral rehydration solutions (see recipes below)
    • Do not drink fluids with meals as it increases how quickly food passes through
    • Limit to 4 oz. fluid during your meal to allow your food to be best absorbed
    • Drink ½ hour before or 2 hours after eating
    • If you do not have your colon, your fluid losses will be higher
  • 其他
    • If prescribed by your doctor, take antidiarrheal medication ½ hour before meals
    • Salty foods such as pretzels or soups are usually well tolerated and help absorb fluid
    • Avoid caffeine and alcohol

See below for help in choosing more optimal foods from each food group:


**For homemade ORS, discard after 24 hours if not consumed

**Visit for more recipes:

SBS Sample Menu

Please visit Restore+ to learn more about the nutrition support services offered by Option Care Health.

*This material is for informational purposes only. It does not replace the advice or counsel of a healthcare professional. Please consult with your Registered Dietitian for more detailed, individualized information.

Gillian was just 11 years old when she began treatment for multiple complex chronic illnesses. As a teenager, she was diagnosed with gastrointestinal (GI) motility disorder and gastroparesis, which led to long-term, severe malnutrition.

“It was really hard missing out on so many activities growing up. I was prescribed various medications and tube feedings, but nothing helped long term. By early adulthood my symptoms worsened so I had to withdraw from college and take an extended medical leave from my job,” she said.

From 2015 to 2018, Gillian’s health progressively declined. “I was on tube feeds and other intravenous (IV) medications at the time. I began losing weight again, my neurological function was declining and I couldn’t speak or walk.” As Gillian’s health continued to decline, she found the strength to advocate for herself and build upon her excellent team of healthcare providers.

Gillian was put on total parenteral nutrition (TPN) in 2018, managed by Option Care Health. “This was my turning point. Today my labs are perfect and my cognitive function is back to normal. My weight has stabilized and I’m back to living life. I owe so much of my progress to my Option Care Health team.” Gillian continued, “My registered dietitian (RD) is amazing. During the initial COVID outbreak, I was struggling with my health and I couldn’t reach my doctors, but my Option Care Health RD was there every time I reached out. I got the help I needed and I owe it all to her.”

She claims that her Option Care Health team including her pharmacist and pharmacy technician go above and beyond expectation. “Other companies and even providers don’t always focus on how the patient needs to be living their best quality of life during treatment. My team at Option Care Health set up my deliveries in the evening to accommodate my work schedule. They also deliver them upstairs to me because I’m unable to carry them. My pharmacist and tech were so helpful this summer. They were able to find a way for me to go on vacation by switching around my infusions and supplies. Thanks to their help, I was able to go on my first trip since 2015! They are really focused on me as a person, not just a patient.”

Her message to her Option Care Health team is one of gratitude, “I just want them all to know how appreciative I am. They have and continue to be a key part of my recovery and I couldn’t be more grateful.” Gillian is thriving and living her best quality of life. She’s working, volunteering and spending as much time as possible with family and friends.

Learn more about malnutrition and join us in spreading awareness this ASPEN Malnutrition Awareness Week*, September 19th-23rd: ASPENMAW22 

*Malnutrition Awareness Week™ 是美国肠外和肠内营养协会(ASPEN)的一个注册标志。经 ASPEN 许可使用。  

As a leading healthcare provider, we recognize our role and our responsibility to protect the health and safety of our patients, customers, team members and community. Option Care Health is mandating all leaders be fully vaccinated by September 30, 2021 and all patient and customer-facing team members be fully vaccinated by October 15, 2021.

“Our mission is to transform healthcare while delivering hope to our patients and their families,” said John Rademacher, Chief Executive Officer. “We believe our single largest contribution to eradicating COVID-19 is through vaccination. By receiving the vaccine, we are becoming a part of the solution. Each one of us at Option Care Health plays a critical role in our purpose of providing extraordinary care that changes lives.”

Option Care Health complies with applicable federal, state and local laws and will evaluate exceptions to the vaccine requirement due to a medical condition or strongly held religious beliefs.

四年前,56 岁的 Sherry Hambly 出现了疼痛的皮疹,经常感觉自己好像被严重晒伤了。她每次洗手或洗澡时,皮肤都会灼伤,肌肉乏力。经过漫长的寻找答案之旅,她被诊断为患有皮肌炎,这是一种自身免疫性疾病。她现在正在密歇根州特洛伊市的 Option Care Health 输液室接受静脉注射免疫球蛋白 (IVIG),她很庆幸自己能重获新生。

在找到正确的诊断和治疗方法之前,Sherry 由于身体虚弱,每天都要吃止痛药,几乎不能从事会计工作。她睡不好觉,筋疲力尽,无法享受带给她快乐的事情,包括与孙子孙女玩耍、打高尔夫球、打保龄球和做瑜伽。

“我很喜欢特洛伊市输液室的员工,因为我从来不必费力气——他们会打理好一切事项,确保我的护理计划专为我量身定制。”密歇根州罗切斯特希尔斯市的 Sherry 说道。

早期,她在服用羟氯喹,一种高剂量的类固醇和抗排斥药。她最初的 IVIG 处方是每月一次,连续 3 天每天 4 小时的 IVIG 输液,但到了月底,效益逐渐消失,她没有精力去办公室。Option Care Health 团队与 Sherry、她的医生和药剂师一起制定了最适合她的护理计划,现在她每隔一周接受两天的输液。

“这让我的世界发生了翻天覆地的变化。”她说。“我不再服用任何止痛药,完全摆脱了我赖以维持活动的所有类固醇,因为我的 IVIG 治疗非常有效。”

她与丈夫、儿子和孙子孙女一起生活。现在,她已经恢复了精力,可以帮助自己 11 岁的孙子在家上学,并照看 16 个月大的孙女。她又开始打高尔夫,做瑜伽,可以充分发挥自己的工作潜力。


35 岁的 Cambria Hooven 经常患肺炎、支气管炎和其他严重感染,她很少与人接触,也很少出门。在最终了解到她近乎持续生病的原因是由于普通变异性免疫缺陷病 (CVID) 导致免疫系统衰弱后,她开始通过 Option Care Health 在家中接受静脉注射免疫球蛋白 (IVIG)。她有更多的自由去参加社交活动,但后来新冠疫情爆发。

由于 Cambria 害怕冒险让访客到她家,因此她的 Option Care Health 护士 Kola 制定了一个计划。他建议她到他工作的 Option Care Health 兰霍恩市输液室接受治疗,那里离她在费城的家有 35 分钟的车程。

“我很紧张,因为我在这次疫情期间哪里都不敢去,所以他在我第一次预约前给我发了一个输液室的视频,向我展示了一切,并确切告诉我该进什么门。”Cambria 说道,回想起来时热泪盈眶。“Kola 两年来一直是我的护士,他对我来说就像家人一样。我不知道我的生活中要是没有他该怎么办!”

现在,她在一个干净且经过消毒的房间里接受每月四小时的治疗,房间内配备有舒适的躺椅和大窗户。由于在疫情期间其他时候她都会待在家里,因此她非常享受每月一次的输液治疗。“这是一个小小的休养中心。”Cambria 说道。

Cambria 最终得到诊断并接受了治疗,让她如释重负。多年来,她接连求医,试图弄清楚为什么她总是生病。八年前,她切除了阑尾,得了严重的血液感染,在医院住了 33 天,不知道自己能否活下来。为了弄清自己的问题,她毅然辞去了儿童福利社工的工作,接受了一项又一项的检测。

最后她找到了一名免疫专家,诊断出她的病情并开出了 IVIG 处方。结果,此后她没有住过院。起初,她在家中开始自我输液,但并不适应。Option Care Health 推荐了一名护士到她家提供输液服务,就这样她认识了 Kola。

现在她正在接受治疗,Cambria 感觉更健康了,而且可以远程从事社工工作,经常在兰霍恩市输液室工作。

“我知道如何保持安全,我在 Option Care Health 获得的治疗帮助了我,所以我不必生活在恐惧和孤独中。我可以安全地外出远足和背包旅行。”她说。“去兰霍恩市输液室真是太好了,那里安全干净,我非常尊重护士和他们的家属。他们体贴入微。”

Abbi Tucker 的愿望很简单,就是做一个正常的少年,享受玩音乐的乐趣,但在她 13 岁的时候,严重的偏头痛和可怕的胃痛导致她体重减轻了 50 磅,让她的希望一度破灭。经过多次检查和医生咨询,她被诊断为克罗恩病,一种炎症性肠病。现在,她在 Option Care Health 的特洛伊市输液室接受治疗慢性炎性疾病的输液治疗,她的生活又回到了正轨。

“我一开始接受治疗,我的生活就发生了变化,”现年 16 岁、来自密歇根州马里斯维尔的 Abbi 说道。“我体重又增加了,终于可以专心上学,又可以开心玩乐了。”

当 Abbi 开始经历严重的健康问题时,她和她的家人都很害怕,她非常痛苦。她的症状致使她每周至少缺课一天,她发现很难跟上学习进度。她无法和朋友出去玩、弹钢琴或教钢琴,甚至食欲不振。


Abbi 最初每七周在医院接受一小时的治疗。当出现保险问题而不得不改用输液公司时,她和她的家人选择了 Option Care Health,他们对这一选择非常满意。

“我很喜欢那里的护士,”她说道。“抽血时我的血很难流出来,这让他们很痛苦。我的一名 Option Care Health 输液护士给我做了一个加热垫,每次抽血时都会用上。真是太棒了。”

该设施的接待员 Antonette 打电话提醒她家人留意即将到来的预约,工作人员知道送她过来时要找的是她爸爸的红色卡车。他是一名有医疗背景的消防员和护理人员,这让她的家人很安心。

她喜欢在输液室而不是在家中接受护理,因为她偶尔会出现不良反应。在每次治疗之前,她都会服用苯那君和类固醇,这对她有帮助,但她知道如果她开始出现问题,Option Care Health 的护士就在附近,这让她感到安心。她还很赞赏输液室的私密性。

“工作人员总是让我感觉宾至如归,我的健康是他们的首要任务。”Abbie 说道。“输液疗法确实改变了我的生活,现在我可以做一个典型的 16 岁孩子每天都会做的事情。”


10 月 18 日至 24 日是全美药学周(National Pharmacy Week)。每年我们都会庆祝药学周,以表彰药剂师和技术人员为改善整个护理范围内的患者护理做出的宝贵贡献。最近,我们与药学团队的几位成员进行了座谈,以详细了解他们在药学和 Option Care Health 的工作经验。继续阅读以详细了解:

  • 密苏里州圣路易斯市药房技术员主管 Jamie Broome
  • 罗德岛州普罗维登斯市认证药房技术员主管 Jessica-Anne Chelbda
  • 内布拉斯加州林肯市配药药房技术员 Brad Van Egdom
  • 纽约州纽约市药房总监 Constantine (Gus) Vergidis

OCH: Tell us about how you chose to begin your career in pharmacy and how you came to work in home infusion pharmacy?

JC:到 OCH 任职之前,我曾在一家长期护理机构工作,在那里我们会对药物进行气泡包装。我们还有一间静脉注射室,我的配药之旅就从那里开始。那边的配药情况与这里截然不同。过程更为简单,主要包括注射器和简易药袋。当我开始在 OCH 工作时,我接触到了各种我之前从未见过的给药方法,因为家庭护理与在长期护理机构里有人照顾你大不相同。在那种环境下,我主要与护士打交道,他们会给患者注射药物。我相信家庭输液是我想安身立命的地方,这是我十几年来所遇到的最喜欢的药学事业。

JB:我的职业生涯从担任医院中的药房技术员开始。我曾在几家不同的医院工作过,我的一位前同事给我打电话说 OCH 有职位空缺。当时我并不打算找工作,但这似乎是个挺不错的机遇。我很喜欢在无尘室和医院里工作。我以前从未听说过家庭输液药房,但这机会难得,我很庆幸自己把握住了机会。

CV:我的药学生涯从家庭输液开始。实际上,我的职业生涯是从 Rite-Aid 的药房实习生开始的,但在获得主任药剂师执照后的第一年,我就接受了我在 Option Care Health 的第一份工作。药学院是一项长期的承诺,而零售药店并不适合将我成为药学博士时接受的所有教育学以致用。在零售业中,你只能了解到患者的一部分情况,而通过家庭输液,你可以看到患者健康历程的全貌。因此,你能够跟踪他们的进展,确保治疗有效,并帮助他们在病情好转时从服务中过渡。






BV: 其实我的职业生涯是从零售业开始的,有人问我是否想转入药学行业,这并不是我原本想做的事情。我之前并没有什么经验,但我在寻找新的体验。每当我有机会挑战自我并尝试一些新事物时,我都会全力以赴。这就是我所做的,最终我非常喜欢这么做。最后我想找点事情来拓宽自己的视野,于是就申请加入了 OCH 这里。一开始我有点紧张,因为这是一个全新的药学领域,但从那时起我就喜欢上了它。每一天都有不同的经历,比零售药店更加多样化。我真的很喜欢这里。


JC: 我认为在 Option Care Health 工作时,我最喜欢的部分之一就是在配药过程中看到患者的进展。我们科室配制了大量的儿科全肠外营养药物,我刚来科室的时候,有个新生儿每周七天都需要 TPN。新生儿的母亲当时承受着巨大的压力和焦虑。从患者开始在我们这里接受治疗服务到现在大概有两年了,如今他们每周只需要三天的 TPN 治疗。看到这些年来的进展确实很有意义。看到患者病情好转,从每周七天都需要 TPN 来维持生命,到可以通过食用正常食物和饮用正常饮品,从 TPN 袋以外的其他来源获得营养,这真的非常有意义。看到所需的剂量从七剂降到三剂,听到父母在熟悉如何照顾生病的孩子时的自信,真是令人欣喜。


CV:传递希望一直是我本人以及与我共事的其他药剂师的首要任务。传递希望不仅能让患者知道他们目前的状况,同时也让他们放心,OCH 公司正在计划让他们恢复健康并分享他们的情况。我们正在为这些患者发送药品,提供高水平的护理,确保他们接受适当的治疗,同时确保他们在家中的安全。

BV:我试着设身处地为他们着想。我们每天要帮助的人都是患者,他们的处境可能没有多少希望。因此,如果我们能让他们的事情变得容易些,并及时提供他们所需的药物,他们就不必担心,并且可以依靠 Option Care Health。这就是我们传递希望的方式。

在 Option Care Health 作为一名药房技术员/药剂师有什么特别之处?

JC:我最喜欢的部分是 TPN。我能够看到患者的病情进展,并且知道我个人正在影响他们的整体健康。我最近有幸做的一件事就是与我们的区域临床总监 (ACD) Craig 紧密合作。整个 OCH 都通过了 ACHC 认证调查,Craig 一直是很好的资源。他总是倾听技术人员的意见,认真考虑我们可能提出的任何建议、最佳做法、简化流程等。我一直在与他合作,更新 OCH 药房使用的一些表格,我非常自豪能与身为东北部 ACD 的他共事。


CV:我在 OCH 拥有最好的领导层。我可以随时向他们寻求指导或帮助,以确保我们的分支机构拥有我们需要的一切。这一出色的领导层就是我们的特别之处,因为他们真正关心我们,并始终确保我们拥有一切,为患者提供优越的护理。这才是真正使我们与众不同的地方。



JC: When the pandemic first hit, there was a lot of uncertainty throughout the country. Working in a sterile environment, it honestly became scary. One of the great things OCH did is that they started making sure that each facility was environmentally testing their room more frequently to ensure that our cleaning procedures were working effectively. This way, we ensured that we had removed the possibility of creating any room for additional bacteria to grow. At first, things were quite nerve-wracking but seeing that we’ve been environmentally testing our rooms with no positive cultures on any of these tests really goes to show how thoroughly the technicians pay attention to what they’re doing, and that they’re being extra cautious to ensure everything is sterile. The extra precautions that OCH has put into effect have eased a lot of that worry I had before.



BV:我对 OCH 应对疫情的方式倍感自豪。我们一意识到疫情重大,就立即开始储备每天需要用到的物资。我们开始着手更新政策和程序,不仅要保证员工的安全,还要确保患者的安全。Option Care Health 的领导层在准备和应对疫情方面做了非常出色的工作,因为疫情对我的个人生活几乎没有影响。


JC:我当时在 CMC 的想法是,我们也许可以协调一下我们的服装或其他有趣新颖的东西,以显示我们团结一致,以团队身份脱颖而出。我们真心享受确保我们的患者健康安全的工作。




OCH:“强健药房”(Pharmacy Strong) 对您意味着什么?

JC:“强健药房”不是个人的事情,我们日复一日的工作中都融入了大量的团队合作。包括药剂师在内,我们每天都必须共同努力,确保我们为患者的安全采取适当的措施。药房幕后的团队合作就是“强健药房”对我的意义。我们真心喜爱我们在 OCH 所做的事情,许许多多的迁移工作需要我们齐心协力,以确保我们的患者拥有积极的体验。


BV:我认为,我想,作为一个群体,我们都是坚强的个人。在药房工作时,大量任务可能会从各个方向接踵而来,这支团队非常出色。我可以信任每个人,我知道所有人每天都会来上班,并且付出 100% 的努力。我们可能会身挑重担,但我们都会挺身而出排忧解难,确保患者最终会得到照顾。


JC:在 OCH 工作,总体上我感觉还有很大的发展空间。总的来说,药学专业的发展空间很大,作为技术员会遇到很多不同的角色。在 OCH,我们就有仓库技术员、供送泵管理技术员、与患者联系的临床技术员以及配药技术员。药房技术员通常在 OCH 和药房中都有大量的表现机会。当你找到合适的职位时,就会有丰厚的回报,您在药学领域的发展将不受限制。


BV:我想,我最想说的是,当你将 OCH 看成是一家公司和潜在的工作场所时,对于药剂师和药房技术员来说,这可能会让他们心生恐惧,因为这不同于他们以前工作过的任何地方。每天情况都不一样。你可以走进大门,并以你工作的地方为荣,热爱你的工作。抓住机会,终有回报。

BANNOCKBURN, Ill., Sept. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Option Care Health, Inc. (“Option Care Health”) (NASDAQ: OPCH), the nation’s largest independent provider of home and alternate site infusion services, has been selected to participate in the limited distribution network of VILTEPSO™ (viltolarsen) for patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (“DMD”) who are amenable to exon 53 skipping therapy. Manufactured by NS Pharma, Inc., Viltepso is the first and only exon 53 skipping therapy to demonstrate an increase in dystrophin in patients as young as four years old.

Viltepso is among a growing number of chronic infusion therapies for neuromuscular disorders that Option Care Health is able to deliver to patients at home or in one of the company’s more than 125 ambulatory infusion suites across the country.

“NS Pharma selected Option Care Health as an option to distribute and administer Viltepso, which offers hope to patients with this devastating disease and their caregivers, because of our reputation of providing extraordinary care,” said Matt Deans, Senior Vice President of Business Development at Option Care Health. “Our demonstrated track record of collaboration with manufacturers to extend infusion services for new therapies to alternate treatment sites, coupled with our personalized clinical care, leads to better outcomes and higher patient satisfaction.”

DMD is an inherited progressive neurological disorder that primarily affects boys because it is located on the X chromosome (male gene). It is caused by genetic mutations that prevent the production of dystrophin, a key protein for supporting muscle health. Symptoms appear as early as two years of age and typically progresses to cardiac and respiratory muscle problems beginning in the patient’s teenage years, leading to serious, life-threatening complications.

Increasing dystrophin as much and as early as possible has become a key goal in the treatment of DMD. Viltepso received an Accelerated Approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) based on an increase in dystrophin in patients with DMD who are amenable to exon 53 skipping therapy; exon 53 skipping is applicable in about 8% of the DMD population.

“We chose to include Option Care Health in our distribution network because of its commitment to providing excellent clinical care and national footprint,” said Gardner Gendron, Chief Commercial Officer at NS Pharma. “Its expertise in providing infusions for complex neuromuscular conditions, broad access to insurance networks and service in all 50 states give us the confidence that our patients will be able to receive Viltepso.”

Viltepso 的推荐剂量为 80mg/kg,由在该疾病和治疗方面经过专门培训的 Option Care Health 护士每周静脉注射一次,每次超过 60 分钟。Option Care Health 与提供者密切合作,以制定定制的患者护理计划并提供定期治疗更新。患者接受了广泛的教育,如果有疑问或需要支持,可以随时联系经验丰富的临床医师。

About Option Care Health

Option Care Health is the nation’s largest independent provider of home and alternate site infusion services. With over 5,000 teammates, including approximately 2,900 clinicians, we work compassionately to elevate standards of care for patients with acute and chronic conditions in all 50 states. Through our clinical leadership, expertise and national scale, Option Care Health is re-imagining the infusion care experience for patients, customers and employees. To learn more, please visit our website at

About NS Pharma, Inc.

NS Pharma, Inc. 是 Nippon Shinyaku Co., Ltd. 的全资子公司。要了解更多信息,请访问。NS Pharma 和 Viltepso 是 Nippon Shinyaku 集团公司的注册商标。

前瞻性声明 – 安全港

本新闻稿可能包含 1995 年《美国私人证券诉讼改革法案》安全港条款所定义的“前瞻性声明”。前瞻性声明可以用诸如“预计”、“打算”、“计划”、“相信”、“项目”、“估计”、“预期”、“可能”、“应该”、“将要”以及对未来时期的类似提法来识别。前瞻性声明的例子包括但不限于,我们可能就未来收入、未来收益、监管发展、市场发展、新产品和增长战略、整合活动以及上述任何一项对我们未来经营业绩或财务状况的影响所作的陈述。

前瞻性声明既不是历史事实,也不是对未来业绩的保证。相反,它们只是基于我们当前对公司业务的未来、未来计划和战略、预测、预期事件和趋势、经济以及其他未来条件的信念、期望和假设。由于前瞻性声明与未来相关,因此它们受到固有的不确定性、风险和情况变化的影响,这些情况难以预测,其中许多是我们无法控制的情况。我们的实际结果和财务状况可能会与前瞻性声明中的内容存在重大差异。可能导致我们的实际结果和财务状况与前瞻性声明中的陈述存在重大差异的重要因素包括但不限于:(i) 适用于我们业务模式的法律和法规的变更;(ii) 市场状况以及对我们服务和产品的接受度的变化; (iii) 诉讼结果;(iv) 一家或多家主要支付方的损失; (v) 新冠疫情的传播和影响。有关可能影响我们实际结果的风险因素的详细讨论,请参阅美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 报告中确定的风险因素,包括但不限于我们向 SEC 提交的 10-K 报表年度报告和 10-Q 报表季度报告。
