- 什么是输液疗法?
Infusion therapy involves the administration of medication through a needle or catheter. It is usually prescribed when a patient’s condition cannot be treated with oral medication. Read more about infusion therapy treatments.
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- Why Would You Need an Infusion?
- Infusion therapy can be used to treat a variety of acute or complex conditions. This type of treatment is effective in treating chronic conditions in patients that struggle to take medication orally. Discuss your desired treatment plan with your healthcare provider and see if you’re a candidate for infusion therapy.
- What are The Types of Infusion?
- There are infusion therapy and emerging therapy treatment plans that can be administered to patients of all ages to treat and manage a variety of conditions. Infusion therapy can treat infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, nutritional or gastrointestinal disorders, cancer and hematological disorders, immune deficiencies, hemophilia and can even help patients manage symptoms from advanced illnesses. Infusion therapy is also used to provide pre and post-transplantation support.
- Is Infusion Therapy Covered by Insurance?
- Depending on the services needed, home and alternate site infusion care is covered by most major insurance companies. Before receiving infusion therapy treatment, your insurance coverage will need to be verified. Ask the facility that is managing your infusion therapy treatment about any available reimbursement programs or financial assistance.
- Who Can Perform Infusion Therapy?
- Infusion therapy used to take place exclusively in hospitals but is now available to patients at infusion therapy centers, ambulatory suites or at home. Experienced nurse practitioners trained in infusion therapy will administer the medication. Insurance companies generally require clinicians to be accredited prior to administering treatment.
- 输液治疗需要多长时间?
- The duration of infusion therapy could take several hours between preparation and administration. Timing for treatment can also depend on your condition and where you are receiving infusion therapy.
- Is home infusion therapy safe?
Home and alternate site infusion therapy is a proven, safe and effective alternative to hospital inpatient care.[*]Bhole, M. V., Burton, J., & Chapel, H. M. (2008). Self-infusion programmes for immunoglobulin replacement at home: Feasibility, safety and efficacy. Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America,28(4), 821-832. [*]Souayah, N., Hasan, A., Khan, H., et al. (2011). The safety profile of home infusion of intravenous immunoglobulin in patients with neuroimmunologic disorders.Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease, 12(suppl 4), S1-10. For most people, receiving treatment at home or in an alternate treatment setting, like an infusion suite, is preferable to hospital inpatient care. It can provide comfort and convenience for patients and offers less interruption to their daily activities. It can also be a cost-effective alternative to expensive hospital stays.[*]Home infusion therapy: Differences between Medicare and private insurers’ coverage. (2010, June). United States Government Accountability Office Report to Congressional Requesters. Accessed July 23, 2012: http://www.gao.gov/assets/310/305261.pdf. [*]Einodshofer, M. (2012). A plan for medical specialty medications – increase member access, affordability and outcomes while decreasing plan costs. Presented at: 2012 Pharmacy Benefit Management Institute Annual Drug Benefit Conference; 2012 Feb. 22-24; Scottsdale, Ariz.
- 在家中可以采用哪些类型的静脉注射治疗?
Option Care Health 专门提供各种家庭输液疗法,包括但不限于:
AI –抗感染输液疗法(抗生素,抗真菌,抗病毒疗法)NS – 营养支持输液疗法(肠内和肠外营养)
IG – 免疫球蛋白输液疗法(免疫缺陷和自身免疫性疗法)
HF – 心力衰竭输液疗法(正性肌力药物输液疗法)
BD – 出血性疾病输液疗法(因子替代疗法)
- 哪些健康状况可以进行输液治疗?
- 传染性疾病
- 营养/胃肠疾病
- 癌症和血液病
- 原发性免疫缺陷
- 血友病
- 自身免疫性疾病
- 晚期心力衰竭
- 移植术的术前和术后支持
- 我是家庭或备选治疗站点输液疗法的人选吗?
- 如何接受家庭或备选治疗站点输液疗法?谁来进行输液?
一旦患者出院并准备在医院外接受治疗,我们将在患者方便的时候安排输液预约。然后,一家本地的 Option Care Health 认证分支药房会配制出符合所有行业安全和无菌标准的输液药品。一名经过输液疗法专门培训、具有丰富经验的护士会将药品送到患者的家中并为其施用输液。
- 我能否在旅行时接受输液疗法?
Option Care Health 为在输液治疗时旅行、工作、指导棒球训练、打篮球以及做几乎任何您能想到的事情的患者提供定时护理。我们先进的输液装置很轻便,只需一个背包、手提包,甚至装在口袋中即可运输。当您在美国范围内因公出差或外出游玩时,我们遍及全美各地的护士和药房网络可以满足您的所有输液治疗需求。阅读关于在旅行时接受输液治疗的更多内容。
- 我的保险将会承担输液疗法的费用吗?
大多数保险公司都承保家庭和备选治疗站点输液护理。Option Care Health 已与 800 多个健康计划签约,并会与您的保险公司合作,以便在开始治疗之前获得患者保险赔偿费的核实和授权。详细了解输液治疗的保险承保范围。
- 家庭输液治疗提供者有哪些证书和认证项目?需要认证吗?
没有任何具体条例规定输液治疗提供者应获得认证。不过,在多数情况下,保险公司会要求提供者获得认证才能为患者提供服务。认证能够确保专业输液服务提供者符合或超过所有的行业标准。Option Care 的所有地点均经过美国医疗保健认证委员会 (ACHC) 认证。