By: Option Care
January 22, 2018

伊利诺伊州班诺克本,2018 年 1 月 22 日 — 全美最大的家庭和备选站点输液服务的独立提供者 Option Care Enterprises, Inc. 在美国肠外肠内营养学会 (ASPEN) 2018 年营养科学与实践会议上展示了强调卓越临床营养支持之重要性的数据。专题研究包括一份关于长期接受替度鲁肽 (teduglutide) 治疗的患者的摘要,以及一份介绍再进食风险对再度入院患者的影响和为家庭发起的肠外营养(PN)患者实现目标 PN 的能力的口头报告。

An observational study of long-term (>36 months) teduglutide patients provides insight into the characteristics of this unique patient population, finding that 85 percent (34 out of 40 patients) were able to wean completely or reduce their amount of PN support.[*]Corey, B Sappah, L. Long term teduglutide use; a snapshot of practice. Poster presentation at the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) 2018 Nutrition Science & Practice Conference: Jan 22-25, 2018; Las Vegas. Teduglitide [rDNA origin] therapy is a prescription medication used in adults with Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) who are dependent on intravenous nutrition and/or hydration (parenteral support), that may increase the absorptive capacity of the remaining intestine (bowel), potentially reducing the patient’s need for parenteral nutrition support.

In a second study, Option Care researchers determined that patients both at risk and not at risk for refeeding syndrome can safely initiate PN in the home setting for a variety of medical conditions with the support of a multidisciplinary nutrition support team.[*]Englert M, Stodola K, Kinnare K. Impact of refeeding risk on hospital readmissions and ability to achieve goal parenteral nutrition (PN) for home-initiated PN patients. Poster presentation at the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) 2018 Nutrition Science & Practice Conference: Jan 22-25, 2018; Las Vegas. Patients benefited from increased quality of life, decreased hospital readmissions and improved economic advantages when compared to those receiving nutrition support in an inpatient or skilled nursing facility setting. The results of this study indicate that consideration of initiation of PN in the home setting may reduce costs and the burdens of hospitalization in appropriately selected patients.

在家庭环境中启动的肠外营养需要营养专家支持团队进行具体评估和持续管理,以监测再进食综合症的风险,防止并发症,以及实现患者的 PN 治疗目标。Option Care 的综合方案是根据每名患者的需要定制而成,并且结合策略以便尽可能达到最佳的疗效。

在 ASPEN 2018 年营养科学与实践会议期间,Option Care 营养支持临床医师团队的代表将坐镇 520 号展位,期待着分享他们的专业知识。

关于 Option Care

Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) 是全美最大和最值得信赖的家庭和备选医疗站点输液服务提供者。作为行业领导者,本公司汲取了近 40 年的临床护理经验,提供以患者为中心的治疗管理。Option Care 的标志性家庭输液+服务包括输液药物的临床管理、护理支持和护理协调。Option Care 由 1,700 多名临床从业人员(包括药剂师、护士和营养师)组成的多学科团队能够为美国各地需要接受复杂和慢性病治疗的几乎所有患者提供家庭输液服务覆盖。有关详情请访问

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