BANNOCKBURN, Ill., June 2, 2016 — Option Care Enterprises, Inc., a leading national provider of home and alternate treatment site infusion therapy, has been selected by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to continue to provide home enteral (tube feeding) nutrition services to Medicare patients across the country.
通过竞争性投标过程,CMS 与符合特定质量和财务标准的 Medicare 供应商签订合同。自 2011 年启动 CMS 竞争性招标项目以来,Option Care 为 Medicare 患者提供了家庭肠内营养。
“CMS 继续选择了我们,表明 Option Care 是一个理想的合作伙伴,因为我们在提供优质护理方面的良好业绩记录能够确保成功的疗效,” Option Care 首席运营官 John Rademacher 说道。“我们患者的高满意度和高安全率证明我们将患者放在了我们个性化、体恤性护理方法的中心。”
2011 年,CMS 竞争性招标项目在首批 9 个大都会地区启动,自 7 月 1 日开始,将会包括 117 个区域。这是国会通过《2003 年 Medicare 处方药改善及现代化法案》授权的项目的一部分。某些耐用医疗设备、假肢、矫正器和用品 (DMEPOS) 的竞争性招标项目旨在减少患者的自费开支,并确保他们得到优质服务。它还旨在节省 Medicare 医疗保险的成本。
Option Care 的营养支持团队包括全美范围内的 1,800 多名临床医生和 100 名营养师,其领导团队在提供家庭营养治疗方面有合计超过 125 年的经验。Option Care 经由早期干预家庭管道喂食项目,通过帮助消除财务障碍、实施个性化的营养评估,以及在治疗开始前向患者提供教育,来弥补护理的潜在缺口。
Option Care 为营养健康受到各种急性和慢病疾病负面影响的患者提供家庭肠内营养支持以及家庭肠外(静脉注射)营养支持。这些疾病包括中风、癌症和胃肠道疾病等。
在提供家庭输液治疗方面,Option Care 的服务和高标准已被证明可预防住院并降低成本。2016 年一份 Option Care 研究发现,针对 126 名家庭肠内和 124 名家庭肠外患者的密切监测和前瞻性管理促成的干预措施最终避免了 957 天的住院天数,从而节省了 190 多万美元。这些干预措施包括管理高血糖或电解质失衡、预防脱水以及消除或减少腹泻。
Option Care 致力于向需要输液治疗的成年和儿童患者提供最高品质的家庭医疗保健护理服务,以医治各式复杂和严重的病症。除了提供家庭营养服务之外,Option Care 还提供家庭输液来治疗从传染病、癌症,到原发性免疫缺陷、自身免疫性疾病和晚期器官衰竭等各种疾病。
关于 Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) is one of the nation’s largest and most trusted providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services. An industry leader, the company draws on nearly 40 years of clinical care experience to offer patient-centered therapy management. Option Care’s signature Home Infusion Plus services include the clinical management of infusion medicines, nursing support and care coordination. Option Care’s multidisciplinary team of more than 1,800 clinicians — including pharmacists, nurses and dietitians — are able to provide home infusion service coverage for nearly all patients across the United States needing treatment for complex and chronic conditions. Learn more at
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AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 17, 2016 — Patients are more likely to receive the appropriate type of home nutrition therapy when their care includes management by registered dietitians, suggests a study being presented at the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) Clinical Nutrition Week meeting today in Austin.
Nutrition therapy patients receiving home parenteral (intravenous) nutrition (HPN) were transitioned to home enteral (through a feeding tube) nutrition (HEN) or to an oral diet sooner due to the registered dietitians’ expertise and adherence to A.S.P.E.N. guidelines, researchers found. Patients with a variety of health conditions require nutrition support: the guidelines generally recommend HPN for patients whose gastrointestinal (G.I.) systems aren’t functioning, and HEN for those whose G.I. systems are functioning, but who may have other problems that interfere with eating, such as the inability to swallow. HEN is preferable whenever possible because it is more similar to how the body naturally receives nutrition.
指南指出,使用 HPN 的患者应在胃肠功能正常运作时,立即转为 HEN 或口服饮食。HPN 不仅成本更高,而且与 HEN 相比,感染的风险明显更高。营养处方可由医师或注册营养师管理,也可由两者协作管理。研究人员发现,在为期五年的研究中,注册营养师管理的患者比例有所增加,而接受 HPN 治疗的患者平均天数减少了,这表明患者较早告别了 HPN 治疗。
“Clearly, home nutrition patients benefit from care provided by a dietitian-led nutrition support team,” said Kelly Kinnare, MS, RD, LDN, CNSC, nutrition services manager for Option Care. “Physicians are busy and recognize the expertise dietitians provide and therefore increasingly are putting the nutrition order writing and weaning recommendations in our hands. “
此项研究包括 505 名从 2010 年 1 月 1 日至 2014 年 12 月 31 日期间开始接受 HPN 治疗的患者。在此期间,由注册营养师管理的病人比例增加了 18%(从 75% 上升到 91%),而接受 HPN 治疗的患者平均天数减少了 33%(从 128.7 天减少到 86.5 天)。
“HPN is more invasive, presents with serious complications, and is significantly more expensive than HEN therefore should only be utilized when appropriate,” said Noreen Luszcz, RD, MBA, CNSC, nutrition program director for Option Care. “While HEN costs about $500 a month per patient, HPN is 10 times as expensive, costing about $5,000 a month. “
在这项研究中,每名患者接受 HPN 治疗的平均时长减少了 42 天,营养师管理则有所增加。每名患者减少了 42 天的 HPN 治疗相当于节省了 7,000 美元的医疗保健费用,这还不包括消除潜在的管路感染及其他与 HPN 相关的并发症所需的费用。
Option Care 的营养支持项目遵循一个多学科团队的护理方法,该团队包括输液护士、药剂师和获得营养支持认证的营养师,他们与医师密切合作,为 HPN 和 HEN 患者提供优质的护理。此项目在其 92 家输液药房中每家都配备了一名注册营养师。
患者被开出 HPN 或 HEN 的处方,是因为他们具有如癌症、中风、胃肠道疾病或手术并发症等病症,无法通过口服来满足他们的营养需求。虽然这两种疗法可以在医院进行临时施用,但每年大约有 40,000 名 HPN 患者和 344,000 名 HEN 患者在家中安全地接受营养治疗,费用更低,避免了医院获得性感染的风险,可重返工作并且过着积极向上的生活。尽管有些人是短期接受这些治疗,但许多人的治疗时间更长,有些甚至是终生治疗。
关于 Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc. 由经过专门培训的输液护士、药剂师和营养师提供临床护理,医治各式急性、慢性和罕见疾病的患者。作为全美最大的家庭和备选医疗站点输液服务提供者之一,Option Care 在美国各地拥有 92 家输液药房和 110 个备选医疗站点。有关详情请访问。
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Option Care
Lauren Kotarski
AUSTIN, Texas — Option Care’s local dietitian-led Nutrition Support Team improves the care of patients receiving nutrition therapy at home and saves millions in costs by preventing hospitalization, according to a study being presented at the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) Clinical Nutrition Week meeting today in Austin.
此项研究跟踪了 Option Care 临床医师主动识别接受家庭肠外(静脉注射)营养 (HPN) 和家庭肠内(通过喂食管)营养 (HEN) 治疗的患者四种治疗并发症之一的次数。在每个病例中,团队都与患者医师合作以纠正问题。
“Our findings demonstrate that Option Care‘s unique tools and processes help our clinicians detect complications early and intervene before they become bigger problems and lead to hospitalization,” Noreen Luszcz, RD, MBA, CNSC, Nutrition Program Director for Option Care. “Even though we analyzed only a few of the typical clinical interventions performed over a six-month period, we found significant benefits to our high-touch clinical support.”
此项研究包括 2015 年 2 月 1 日至 7 月 31 日期间由 63 位 Option Care 营养师对 124 名 HPN 患者和 126 名 HEN 患者所收集的数据。在 Option Care 的密切监测系统识别问题并积极反应后,团队采取了 390 项临床干预措施。在此期间,一半的 HPN 患者至少住院治疗一次(20% 与营养有关,12 名患者),33% 的 HEN 患者至少住院治疗一次(9% 与营养有关,4 名患者)。然而,研究人员指出,如果没有多学科团队的密切监测和积极反应,与营养有关的住院治疗数量将显著提高。他们估计,干预措施使 957 个住院天数得以避免,因此节省了 190 多万美元。
- 管理电解质失衡(帮助肌肉和其他重要身体功能的化学物质水平)
- 管理低血糖症(低血糖会引起各种症状,包括虚弱和困惑)
- 预防脱水(可导致癫痫、精神状态改变及肾脏损害)
- 减少或消除腹泻(可导致脱水)
“Many of these patients have complicated conditions and the nutrition therapies they receive are increasingly complex,” said Luszcz. “We’ve worked tirelessly to develop effective ways of closely monitoring them to ensure complications are identified early and remedied quickly.”
Option Care’s Nutrition Support Program follows a multidisciplinary team approach to care including infusion nurses, pharmacists, and dietitians certified in nutrition support who work closely with physicians to provide quality care to HPN and HEN patients. The program includes a registered dietitian at every one of its 92 infusion pharmacies.
Patients are prescribed HPN or HEN because they cannot meet their nutrition needs orally due to conditions such as cancer, stroke, gastrointestinal disease, or surgical complications. Both therapies can be temporarily administered in the hospital, however, about 40,000 HPN patients and 344,000 HEN patients annually receive their nutrition therapy safely and with less cost at home avoiding the risk of exposure to hospital-acquired infections, returning to work, and living active lives. Although some people receive these therapies short-term many are on for a longer period and some lifelong.
关于 Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc., offers clinical care provided by specially trained infusion nurses, pharmacists, and dietitians who treat patients with a wide range of acute, chronic, and rare conditions. As one of the nation’s largest providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services, Option Care has 92 infusion pharmacies and 110 alternate treatment sites across the country. Learn more at
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Option Care
Lauren Kotarski
Option Care 被选定为史无前例改善消化的产品供应商,该产品面向患复杂病症需要营养支持的患者
DEERFIELD, Ill. — Option Care Enterprises, Inc., a leading national provider of home and alternate treatment site infusion services, has been selected as the contracted provider of RELiZORB™ (immobilized lipase), which helps patients with complex medical conditions digest and absorb the “essential fats “ they receive through enteral nutrition (tube feeding). Relizorb is manufactured by Alcresta Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
What is RELiZORB™
Recently approved as a de novo device by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Relizorb is a first-of-its-kind digestive enzyme cartridge designed to mimic the normal pancreatic function by breaking down fats in enteral tube feeding formula. By breaking down these fats prior to ingestion, Relizorb allows for the delivery of increased absorbable calories from fatty acids and monoglycerides to adults who are partially or completely unable to breakdown and absorb fats. Relizorb has been shown to break down 90 percent of fats in most enteral feeding tube formulas, including the most difficult to breakdown long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are critical for growth and development.
“We’re so pleased to be chosen to provide such an innovative product, which we believe can improve the quality of life for patients in need of nutrition therapy, “ said Kimberly Petruccelli, PharmD, MBA, clinical program manager of specialty infusion programs for Option Care. “Our registered dietitians have extensive experience and expertise caring for patients in need of complex therapies, including enteral nutrition, and can ensure they receive the highest level of care. “
Option Care & RELiZORB™
Option Care 凭借其通过营养支持项目提供个性化治疗,遵循多学科患者护理团队方法,在每一个分支机构中都配备有一名注册营养师,而当选为 Relizorb 的提供者并为其用药提供支持。作为全美最大的家庭和备选医疗站点输液服务提供者之一,Option Care 有能力通过其遍及全美的 92 家输液药房提供安全有效的营养护理。
“Option Care will play a key role in bringing Relizorb to patients through its dietitian-led patient care teams, “ said John Tucker, chief executive officer of Alcresta. “The company is an ideal partner because of its proven track record of providing high-quality care and its national presence with patients, payers and providers. “
“Option Care is honored to have been selected by Alcresta as the Relizorb provider of choice, and we’re committed to making this product an accessible option for patients, providers and payers, “ said Matthew Deans, vice president of business development for Option Care. “We believe that in developing customized clinical management programs in partnership with biopharmaceutical manufacturers, we can increase patient access to novel therapies. It’s our priority that patients receive the full therapeutic benefit of the treatment, which can lead to increased satisfaction, improved outcomes and lower total cost of care. “
关于 Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc., offers clinical care provided by specially trained infusion nurses, pharmacists and dietitians who treat patients with a wide range of acute, chronic and rare conditions. As one of the nation’s largest providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services, Option Care has 92 infusion pharmacies and 110 alternate treatment sites across the country. Learn more at
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Option Care
Lauren Kotarski
DEERFIELD, Ill. — Sixty-three percent of patients with short bowel syndrome who took teduglutide (TED) to enhance gastrointestinal absorption were able to reduce their parenteral support (PS), according to a study[*]Petruccelli K, Youssef N, Li B, Curry K. Teduglutide treatment in adult patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS): initial clinical experience of management through a specialized infusion pharmacy (SIP) service. Poster session presented at: the American College of Gastroenterology’s (ACG) 80th Annual Scientific Meeting; 2015 Oct 16-21; Honolulu, HI. presented by Option Care Enterprise, Inc. this weekend at the 2015 American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Annual Scientific Meeting in Honolulu.
Option Care, one of the nation’s largest infusion services companies, presented “Teduglutide Treatment in Adult Patients with Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS): Initial Clinical Experience of Management through a Specialized Infusion Pharmacy (SIP) Service.” The poster highlights results of data analysis of the clinical management of teduglutide therapy provided by a specialized infusion pharmacy in the home-care setting.
In the study of 52 patients with short bowel syndrome who received TED, 63 percent attained a 20 percent to 100 percent reduction in PS volume at weeks 20 and 24. TED treatment resulted in additional days off of PS per week for many patients, with 23 (44 percent) gaining one day or more per week off, 20 (38.5 percent) gaining two days or more off and 15 (28.8 percent) gaining three or more days off PS. Nine patients (17.3 percent) gained complete PS independence.[*]Petruccelli K, Youssef N, Li B, Curry K. Teduglutide treatment in adult patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS): initial clinical experience of management through a specialized infusion pharmacy (SIP) service. Poster session presented at: the American College of Gastroenterology’s (ACG) 80th Annual Scientific Meeting; 2015 Oct 16-21; Honolulu, HI.
“These observations confirm the ability of TED to reduce PS dependence in patients with short bowel syndrome treated in a non-trial setting with close monitoring by a multidisciplinary team,” said Kendra Curry, PharmD, Corporate Director, Specialty Infusion Programs with Option Care.
About the American College of Gastroenterology
Founded in 1932, the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) is an organization with an international membership of more than 12,500 individuals from 86 countries. The College’s vision is to be the pre-eminent professional organization that champions the evolving needs of clinicians in the delivery of high quality, evidence-based, and compassionate health care to gastroenterology patients. The mission of the College is to advance world-class care for patients with gastrointestinal disorders through excellence, innovation and advocacy in the areas of scientific investigation, education, prevention and treatment.
关于 Option Care
Option Care, formerly Walgreens Infusion Services Inc., offers clinical care provided by specially trained infusion nurses, pharmacists and dietitians who treat patients with a wide range of acute, chronic and rare conditions. As one of the nation’s largest providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services, Option Care has 92 infusion pharmacies and 110 alternate treatment sites across the country. Learn more at
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Option Care
Lauren Kotarski