Many Home Parenteral Nutrition Patients Denied Medicare Reimbursement 尽管接受了 A.S.P.E.N.指导方针导向治疗
Option Care 研究强调需要将护理和承保范围相结合
ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 9, 2017 — Many home parenteral nutrition (HPN) patients who struggle to gain or maintain weight due to complex medical conditions may be falling through the cracks due to an outdated Medicare qualification process, suggests Option Care research being presented at the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) Clinical Nutrition Week (CNW) conference. The study determined that Medicare coverage often doesn’t match up with A.S.P.E.N. guideline recommendations, forcing patients to pay for some or all of their life-saving care.
研究人员发现,超过一半的 HPN(静脉输液)患者的护理符合 A.S.P.E.N. 指导方针,但却不符合 Medicare 的承保资格。这些研究结果表明,Medicare 采用了过时的 HPN 资格标准,包括无法体现当前推荐治疗的营养不良诊断工具。
“HPN is an expensive therapy and understandably Medicare wants to ensure that patients require that level of nutrition,” said Natalie S. Tu, RD, lead author of the study and clinical nutrition support dietitian for Option Care. “However, many malnourished patients have a clear need for HPN but don’t qualify for Medicare coverage. Care team members — including doctors and dietitians — need to diligently document the patient’s need in an attempt to secure Medicare coverage.”
In some cases, appeals providing additional documentation of need may be successful in securing coverage for patients initially denied by Medicare. Medicare patients who don’t qualify for coverage pay out of pocket costs which can be up to $250 a day and are prohibitive for many people. The average length of therapy for Option Care HPN patients is three months.[*] Option Care data on file.Patients who have supplemental insurance may be partially covered, but will be required to pay a daily deductible, which also adds up.
目前,大约 20% 的 Option Care 家庭肠外营养 (HPN) 患者有联邦医疗保险 (Medicare)。随着人口的老龄化,这一比例将会继续增加,突显了 Medicare 保险与 A.S.P.E.N. 指导方针应更好地保持一致的需求,Tu 说道。
这项 Option Care 研究因其卓越与创新被提名为 A.S.P.E.N. 临床营养周 (CNW) 优秀论文摘要。研究人员分析了接受 HPN 治疗的 142 名患者,确定有 49 人 (35%) 符合 Medicare 的 HPN 资格标准,56 人 (39%) 不符合标准,而 37 人 (26%) 则停滞不前,因为资格审查过程中断或未完成。在 56 名没有资格获得联邦医疗保险 (Medicare) 的患者中,31 人 (55%) 确实达到了 A.S.P.E.N. 指导方针推荐。
患者被开出 HPN 的处方,是因为他们具有如癌症、中风、胃肠道疾病或手术并发症等病症,无法通过口服或喂食管(肠内营养)来满足他们的营养需求。虽然 HPN 可以在医院进行施用,但每年大约有 40,000 名患者在家中安全地接受营养治疗,费用更低,避免了医院获得性感染的风险,可重返工作并且过着积极向上的生活。
Option Care 的营养支持项目遵循一个多学科团队的护理方法,该团队包括输液护士、药剂师和获得营养支持认证的营养师,他们与医师密切合作,为家庭营养患者提供最高品质的护理。全美各地的每个护理管理中心都有一名注册营养师提供支持。
关于 Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) is one of the nation’s largest and most trusted providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services. An industry leader, the company draws on nearly 40 years of clinical care experience to offer patient-centered therapy management. Option Care’s signature Home Infusion Plus services include the clinical management of infusion medicines, nursing support and care coordination. Option Care’s multidisciplinary team of more than 1,800 clinicians — including pharmacists, nurses and dietitians — are able to provide home infusion service coverage for nearly all patients across the United States needing treatment for complex and chronic conditions. Learn more at
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Option Care 研究发现,患者经常被开出不符合其需求的家庭营养处方
ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 9, 2017 — Nutrition support orders upon discharge from the hospital often don’t meet the needs of patients, according to Option Care data being presented at the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) Clinical Nutrition Week (CNW) conference. If nutrition support orders are not corrected, patients may be overfed or underfed, both of which put them at health risk and in the case of overfeeding, adds unnecessary costs.
Option Care 研究人员确定,在将近四分之一的情况下,家庭肠外(静脉注射)营养 (HPN) 患者出院时的医嘱未能满足患者的需求。虽然家庭肠内(喂食管)营养 (HEN) 患者的营养需求更有可能得到满足,但是 38% 的医嘱无法满足流体(水分)需求。Option Care 注册营养师在患者出院回家接受护理时检查了所有医嘱,进行了营养评估,并且基于患者的实验室数据、活动水平和整体病况,在必要时建议对营养医嘱加以修改。
“Nutrition support is complex and quality patient care provided in the home setting requires close collaboration between referring clinicians and a qualified home nutrition support team that has nutrition support expertise, including a registered dietitian, pharmacist and nurse,” said Noreen Luszcz, RD, MBA, CNSC, lead author of the study and nutrition program director for Option Care. “When a patient leaves the hospital, it is vital that the home infusion dietitian complete a nutrition assessment to ensure the order follows A.S.P.E.N. guidelines and the patient’s current needs are being met.”
因卓越和创新而荣获 A.S.P.E.N. CNW “杰出海报奖”的这项研究包含了对 187 名 HPN 患者和 349 名 HEN 患者的营养处方分析
对于 187 名 Option Care HPN 患者,研究人员确定,原医嘱在平均 23% 的情况下不符合患者的需求。他们发现:
- 41 例 (22%) 未达到流体需求;
- 48 例 (26%) 未达到氨基酸(蛋白质)需求;
- 39 例 (21%) 未达到葡萄糖(碳水化合物)需求;
- 34 例 (18%) 未达到脂质(脂肪)需求;
- 51 例 (27%) 未达到总热量需求。
此外,24 名患者 (13%) 被不当地规定接受 HPN,他们本应该通过其他成本更低的途径来获得营养,如 HEN 和/或口服摄入。HPN 只应适用于胃肠道系统无法充分处理营养物质的患者。开具处方最多的医师排名前两位是内科医师 (29%) 和胃肠病医师 (19%)。
在蛋白质方面,最初的医嘱可能会导致在 48% 的情况下出现喂食过量,在 52% 的情况下出现喂食不足。在剩余的类别中,最初的医嘱更有可能使患者出现喂食不足的情况。研究人员估计,过量规定服用蛋白质的平均含量将会给每名接受 90 天(治疗的平均时长)HPN 治疗的患者额外增加 179,837 美元。他们确定,光是纠正 12% 的 HPN 医嘱的蛋白质处方这一项,就能节省 520 万美元的医疗保险成本。
在 349 名 Option Care HEN 患者中,研究人员评估了原医嘱,确定:
- 133 例 (38%) 不含水冲洗医嘱(因此患者无法获得足够的流体);
- 15 例 (4%) 的处方并不是最适合其病况的配方;
- 10 例 (2%) 会出现喂食过量的情况;
- 18 例 (5%) 会出现喂食不足的情况。
研究人员指出,各种各样的因素可能会导致出院时的营养医嘱无法满足患者的需求。医师经常给患者开药,但这些医师可能缺乏营养专科的专业知识,也没有一支合格的营养支持团队(包括注册营养师、护士和药剂师)来引导他们。此外,营养需求会随着时间的推移而发生变化。急性损伤患者可能在愈合期需要补充更多的蛋白质,但到了患者出院回家时,这种需求会随之减少。如果未对医嘱进行调整,患者就会摄入不适当的蛋白质含量,随着时间的推移就会积少成多。最后,到了确定患者是否有资格接受家庭营养支持时,就会进行大量的审查(Medicare 尤其如此),与医院的审查标准不同。
Option Care 的营养支持项目遵循一个多学科团队的护理方法,该团队包括输液护士、药剂师和获得营养支持认证的营养师,他们与医师密切合作,为 HPN 和 HEN 患者提供最高品质的护理。全美各地的每个护理管理中心都有一名注册营养师提供支持。
患者被开出 HPN 或 HEN 的处方,是因为他们具有如癌症、中风、胃肠道疾病或手术并发症等病症,无法通过口服来满足他们的营养需求。虽然这两种疗法可以在医院进行临时施用,但每年大约有 40,000 名 HPN 患者和 344,000 名 HEN 患者在家中安全地接受营养治疗,费用更低,避免了医院获得性感染的风险,可重返工作并且过着积极向上的生活。尽管有些人是短期接受这些治疗,但许多人的治疗时间更长,有些甚至是终生治疗。
关于 Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) 是全美最大和最值得信赖的家庭和备选医疗站点输液服务提供者。作为行业领导者,本公司汲取了近 40 年的临床护理经验,提供以患者为中心的治疗管理。Option Care 的标志性家庭输液+服务包括输液药物的临床管理、护理支持和护理协调。Option Care 由 1,700 多名临床从业人员(包括药剂师、护士和营养师)组成的多学科团队能够为美国各地需要接受复杂和慢性病治疗的几乎所有患者提供家庭输液服务覆盖。有关详情请访问。
Calls on Congress to Fix Unintended Consequence of 21st Century Cures Act; Encourages Patients, Families, Others to Join Outreach
BANNOCKBURN, Ill., Jan. 23, 2017 — Option Care is working diligently to persuade the U.S. Congress to fix a new law that has caused vulnerable Medicare patients to lose access to home infusion care, and is encouraging those affected to join in advocacy efforts. While promising to help millions of patients via a variety of wide-ranging measures, the new 21st Century Cures Act contains provisions that unintentionally impact patients who need home infusion therapy for advanced heart failure and other conditions.
Option Care is a founding member of Keep My Infusion Care at Home, a coalition of concerned patients, family members, caregivers, healthcare providers and related organizations. The coalition is reaching out to legislators to advocate for a change to the law in order to ensure that Medicare patients have access to high quality home infusion care to support their health and sustain their quality of life.
“Undoubtedly the Cures Act will do great good, but unfortunately some of its smaller provisions have unintended negative consequences, causing disruptions to care as patients transition from hospital to home. That means many Medicare patients no longer have access to home infusion, which provides a safe, effective and typically less costly alternative to inpatient care,” said Paul Mastrapa, CEO, Option Care. “This consequence is particularly poignant for advanced heart failure patients who prefer to receive care at home, but may lose the home infusion care they rely on to sustain their quality of life.”
Many patients with complex health conditions rely on home infusion therapy, which is medication administered through a needle or catheter, and provided in the comfort of their own homes. Heart failure patients who rely on home infusion care to sustain their quality of life may lose that access, forcing them to find alternative treatment options. Hospital systems will suffer as well, as they care for these high-need patients in more costly sites of care than home infusion.
Effective Jan.1, 2017, the Cures Act includes a provision that changed the payment structure for certain infusion drugs under the Part B Durable Medical Equipment (DME) benefit. That created a dramatic reduction in reimbursement that effectively covers only the drug costs and provides no compensation for clinical services to administer the infusion therapy in the home. While a separate provision in the law does provide for clinical services payment, it does not begin until 2021.
Keep My Infusion Care at Home is urging legislators to close this four-year gap in care by aligning the implementation dates for the drug reimbursement change with the new clinical services payment.
In addition to Option Care, Keep My Infusion Care at Home sponsors include the National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) and other leading industry providers. For more information, visit Patients and families are encouraged to join the effort by sharing their stories showing how this law affects real patients, and writing their congressmen to encourage them to amend the law. Organizations interested in joining the coalition should email
关于 Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) is one of the nation’s largest and most trusted providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services. An industry leader, the company draws on nearly 40 years of clinical care experience to offer patient-centered therapy management. Option Care’s signature Home Infusion Plus services include the clinical management of infusion medicines, nursing support and care coordination. Option Care’s multidisciplinary team of more than 1,800 clinicians — including pharmacists, nurses and dietitians — are able to provide home infusion service coverage for nearly all patients across the United States needing treatment for complex and chronic conditions. Learn more at
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BANNOCKBURN, Ill., November 29, 2016 — Option Care Enterprises, Inc., one of the nation’s leading providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services, has been selected as a contracted provider of a new 20% formulation of subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIG) therapy for primary immunodeficiency (PI). CUVITRU™ [Immune Globulin Subcutaneous (Human), 20% Solution] is manufactured by Shire plc.
CUVITRU™ recently was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat adult and pediatric patients two years and older with PI, a group of more than 300 genetic disorders in which part of the body’s immune system is missing or functions improperly.
“Option Care has a proven track record of providing compassionate, high-quality clinical care in the home or at alternate treatment sites to patients undergoing therapy for a variety of complex conditions, including those with primary immunodeficiency,” said Lisa Betts, Vice President, Specialty Programs, Option Care. “As one of the largest national providers of immunoglobulin therapy, we are pleased to offer CUVITRU™ to support primary immunodeficiency patients as we continue to spread awareness and improve treatment options. “
Immunoglobulin (IG) is a lifelong therapy provided to prevent recurrent infections in patients with PI, which affects as many as six million people worldwide.
Option Care 拥有由超过 1,800 多名临床专家组成的工作团队,包括药剂师和 1,200 多名输液护士。这支由经过专门培训的临床医师组成的多学科团队提供个性化的患者护理计划、临床监测每次输液,以及全面的患者和照料者教育。要获取更多信息,请致电 Option Care 的 IG 专科卓越中心:1-877-974-4844 或传真:877-974-4845。
关于 Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) is one of the nation’s largest and most trusted providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services. An industry leader, the company draws on nearly 40 years of clinical care experience to offer patient-centered therapy management. Option Care’s signature Home Infusion Plus services include the clinical management of infusion medicines, nursing support and care coordination. Option Care’s more than 1,800 clinicians — including pharmacists, nurses and dietitians — are able to provide home infusion service coverage for nearly all acute and chronic patients across the United States. Learn more at
ORLANDO, FL, July 26, 2016 — Hemophilia patients can be managed with less factor VIII without affecting outcomes and saving significant costs, suggests a study being presented at the World Federation of Hemophilia 2016 World Congress meeting today in Orlando.
此项 Option Care 研究包括接受第八因子家庭输液治疗的 77 名 A 型血友病患者。他们每周接受了平均 102 单位的第八因子,与全美平均的每周 108 单位相比,相当于每名患者每年可节省 21,165 美元的费用。这些患者的年出血率 (ABR)(即患者一年出现的出血次数)为 1.7 次,少于最近一项关于血友病治疗策略的回顾性研究中所称的平均 ABR 2 到 5 次。
“通过与处方医师合作以密切监测出血情况,并在临床上适当优化治疗剂量方面开展协作,Option Care 对第八因子的利用率低于平均水平,却有着卓越的成效,”Option Care 的出血性疾病项目的全国项目主任 Joan Couden 说道。“我们的研究成果显示,我们可以为包括 Medicare、Medicaid 以及管理式医疗保险公司在内的支付方节省大量的成本,同时又不会对年出血率产生负面影响。”
血友病患者缺少控制出血的凝血蛋白。治疗包括输注第八因子,这有助于血液凝块和停止出血。许多该病患者每周要接受三至四次的第八因子注射,以预防或减少出血。治疗成功率通过评定年出血率 (ABR) 进行评估。出血次数越少,治疗就越成功。
除了提供第八因子来预防出血,当出血确实发生时,务必尽快治疗出血,以帮助减少关节、肌肉和器官的疼痛和损伤。当快速治疗出血时,用来止血的血液制品需求量较少,Couden 如是说。
患者和医疗保健提供者的支持与教育是 Option Care 的出血性疾病 (BD) 家庭输液+项目的关键组成部分,该项目遵循了多学科团队的护理方法。项目提供由 BD 认证的专科护士和药剂师负责的个性化临床护理。每位患者都会收到特定疾病的定制护理计划,该计划专注于实现患者及其护理团队的需求。我们会向医师和医疗保健服务提供者提供每位患者状态的详细报告,包括出血的部位和严重程度、患者的疗效和依从性等。
关于 Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) is one of the nation’s largest and most trusted providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services. An industry leader, the company draws on nearly 40 years of clinical care experience to offer patient-centered therapy management. Option Care’s signature Home Infusion Plus services include the clinical management of infusion medicines, nursing support and care coordination. Option Care’s multidisciplinary team of more than 1,800 clinicians — including pharmacists, nurses and dietitians — are able to provide home infusion service coverage for nearly all patients across the United States needing treatment for complex and chronic conditions. Learn more at
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BANNOCKBURN, Ill., June 2, 2016 — Option Care Enterprises, Inc., a leading national provider of home and alternate treatment site infusion therapy, has been selected by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to continue to provide home enteral (tube feeding) nutrition services to Medicare patients across the country.
通过竞争性投标过程,CMS 与符合特定质量和财务标准的 Medicare 供应商签订合同。自 2011 年启动 CMS 竞争性招标项目以来,Option Care 为 Medicare 患者提供了家庭肠内营养。
“CMS 继续选择了我们,表明 Option Care 是一个理想的合作伙伴,因为我们在提供优质护理方面的良好业绩记录能够确保成功的疗效,” Option Care 首席运营官 John Rademacher 说道。“我们患者的高满意度和高安全率证明我们将患者放在了我们个性化、体恤性护理方法的中心。”
2011 年,CMS 竞争性招标项目在首批 9 个大都会地区启动,自 7 月 1 日开始,将会包括 117 个区域。这是国会通过《2003 年 Medicare 处方药改善及现代化法案》授权的项目的一部分。某些耐用医疗设备、假肢、矫正器和用品 (DMEPOS) 的竞争性招标项目旨在减少患者的自费开支,并确保他们得到优质服务。它还旨在节省 Medicare 医疗保险的成本。
Option Care 的营养支持团队包括全美范围内的 1,800 多名临床医生和 100 名营养师,其领导团队在提供家庭营养治疗方面有合计超过 125 年的经验。Option Care 经由早期干预家庭管道喂食项目,通过帮助消除财务障碍、实施个性化的营养评估,以及在治疗开始前向患者提供教育,来弥补护理的潜在缺口。
Option Care 为营养健康受到各种急性和慢病疾病负面影响的患者提供家庭肠内营养支持以及家庭肠外(静脉注射)营养支持。这些疾病包括中风、癌症和胃肠道疾病等。
在提供家庭输液治疗方面,Option Care 的服务和高标准已被证明可预防住院并降低成本。2016 年一份 Option Care 研究发现,针对 126 名家庭肠内和 124 名家庭肠外患者的密切监测和前瞻性管理促成的干预措施最终避免了 957 天的住院天数,从而节省了 190 多万美元。这些干预措施包括管理高血糖或电解质失衡、预防脱水以及消除或减少腹泻。
Option Care 致力于向需要输液治疗的成年和儿童患者提供最高品质的家庭医疗保健护理服务,以医治各式复杂和严重的病症。除了提供家庭营养服务之外,Option Care 还提供家庭输液来治疗从传染病、癌症,到原发性免疫缺陷、自身免疫性疾病和晚期器官衰竭等各种疾病。
关于 Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) is one of the nation’s largest and most trusted providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services. An industry leader, the company draws on nearly 40 years of clinical care experience to offer patient-centered therapy management. Option Care’s signature Home Infusion Plus services include the clinical management of infusion medicines, nursing support and care coordination. Option Care’s multidisciplinary team of more than 1,800 clinicians — including pharmacists, nurses and dietitians — are able to provide home infusion service coverage for nearly all patients across the United States needing treatment for complex and chronic conditions. Learn more at
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NEW ORLEANS — Adverse drug events (ADE) were rare — and serious ADEs nonexistent — in a retrospective two-year study of nearly 1,900 home and alternate treatment site (ATS) infusions of infliximab for patients with autoimmune disorders.1 The research was presented today by Option Care, a leading provider of home and ATS infusion services, at the National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) Annual Conference & Exposition.
“越来越多的证据表明,由高品质服务机构施行的家庭输液治疗既安全又有效,我们的研究结果也验证了这一点,” Option Care 专科输液项目企业总监、药学博士 Kendra Curry 称。“患者更喜欢在舒适的家中接受输液治疗,Option Care 致力于提供优越护理和全面支持,这改善了临床疗效,并且显著提高了成本效益。”
此项研究包括 291 名接受了 1,866 例英夫利昔单抗输液的 Option Care 患者,英夫利昔单抗是一种免疫系统抑制剂,用于治疗多种自身免疫性疾病,包括类风湿性关节炎和克隆氏症。
- 任何输液均未出现相关的严重不良药物事件 (ADE)
- 13 例 (0.7%) 输液与中度不良药物事件相关,如发烧或荨麻疹
- 65 例 (3.48%) 输液与轻度不良事件相关,如恶心或头痛
- 4.2% 的不良药物事件 (ADE) 总体率
- 与针对在各种环境(包括家庭、备选医疗站点、医院和医务室)中接受英夫利昔单抗输液治疗患者的已发表研究中报告的不良药物事件率范围一致2-4
- 在接受英夫利昔单抗输液期间,Option Care 研究中的所有患者均在家中或在备选医疗站点中得到管理
此项研究包括 2012 年 5 月 1 日至 2014 年 5 月 31 日期间发生的(成人和儿童)英夫利昔单抗输液:
- 1,441 例 (77.2%) 发生在家中
- 410 例 (22%) 发生在备选医疗站点中,如独立输液诊所
- 15 例(少于 1.0%)发生在未指定地点(在家中或在备选医疗站点中)
Option Care 经过专业培训的注册护士和药剂师向接受复杂病症(如自身免疫性疾病)治疗的患者提供高品质、高接触的临床支持。Option Care 护士在每一次英夫利昔单抗输液时全程在患者身边观察,检测患者的生命体征(如脉搏和血压)以及任何不良药物事件或迹象和/或输液相关或过敏反应的症状。
“我们的患者受益于我们经过大量培训的注册护士提供的个性化、高接触护理,他们遵循基于研究的最佳实践和由多年经验支持的医疗方案,”Option Care 临床服务副总裁 Brenda Wright 说。“在极少数情况下,患者开始出现反应时,护士能够迅速、主动地管理问题,防止它发展成严重的不良事件。”
Option Care 拥有超过 1,800 多名临床专家,包括药剂师、1,200 多名输液护士和 100 多名注册营养师。这支由经过专门培训的临床医师组成的多学科团队提供个性化的患者护理计划、临床监测每次输液,以及全面的患者和照料者教育。
关于 Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc. 由经过专门培训的输液护士、药剂师和营养师提供临床护理,医治各式急性、慢性和罕见疾病的患者。作为全美最大的家庭和备选医疗站点输液服务提供者之一,Option Care 在美国各地拥有 92 家输液药房和 110 个备选医疗站点。有关详情请访问。
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- Smith S, Curry, K, Rout T, et al.在家庭护理环境中英夫利昔单抗输液患者的不良药物事件:图表回顾。发表于美国国家家庭输液协会会议会展;2016 年 3 月 21-14 日;路易斯安那州新奥尔良市。
- Kelsall J, Rogers P, Galindo G, De Vera MA.在现实临床环境中类风湿性关节炎患者接受英夫利昔单抗输液的安全性:输液反应的描述与评估。J Rheumatol. 2012 Aug;39(8):1539-45.
- Breynaert C, Ferrante M, Fidder H, et al.炎症性肠病患者缩短英夫利昔单抗输液次数的耐受性:一项单中心队列研究。Am J Gastroenterol. 2011 Apr;106(4):778-85
- Ducharme J, Pelletier C, Zacharias R. 在社区环境中进行英夫利昔单抗输液的安全性。Can J Gastroenterol. 2010 May;24(5):307-11.
Option Care
Lauren Kotarski
Effective March 1, 2016, Option Care Enterprises, Inc. will be a preferred provider of intravenous and subcutaneous immunoglobulin (IVIG/SCIG) drugs provided in the home[*]Members can continue to receive IVIG/SCIG from home infusion vendors currently owned by a hospital or health system participating in the Independence Blue Cross provider network. for members covered by affiliates of Independence Blue Cross. [*]Independence Blue Cross is a holding company and is not the name, or in the name, of an entity that “writes insurance.
As one of the nation’s largest providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services, Option Care’s specially trained nurses and pharmacists provide high-quality, high-touch clinical support to patients treated for complex conditions, including those receiving IG. Option Care IG patients report very high levels of satisfaction — 98 percent — with Option Care’s in-home visits and ongoing support calls to help them manage their conditions.[*]Option Care Enterprises, Inc. Data on file 2016.
IG therapy is prescribed to patients with immune system-related conditions, including primary immunodeficiency disorders (the body’s immune system doesn’t function properly), autoimmune disorders (the body attacks itself) and other conditions that benefit from the treatment. IG therapy is delivered one of two ways: IVIG is infused through a vein, and SCIG is delivered into the fatty tissue just below the skin. Including IVIG and SCIG, Option Care manages more than 55,000 IG infusions each year.[*]Orange J, Kirkham H, Ayer G, et al. Improved clinical outcomes for patients receiving immunoglobulin therapy through specialty pharmacy or home infusion services. Paper presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) 2015 Annual Scientific Meeting: Nov 5-9, 2015; San Antonio.
在最近一项创新研究中,与大型国家数据库中记录的在其他环境中接受 IG 治疗的患者相比,接受了高水平临床监督的 Option Care 家庭 IG 患者拥有更好的疗效。
Option Care 可提供所有 IG 产品,公司 1,700 多位临床医师(包括经过 IVIG/SCIG 专门培训的护士和药剂师)提供高品质的护理,包括个性化的患者护理计划、临床监测每次输液,以及全面的患者和照料者教育。
Effective March 1, 2016, Option Care Enterprises, Inc. will be a preferred provider of intravenous and subcutaneous immunoglobulin (IVIG/SCIG) drugs provided in the home* for members covered by AmeriHealth New Jersey.
As one of the nation’s largest providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services, Option Care’s specially trained nurses and pharmacists provide high-quality, high-touch clinical support to patients treated for complex conditions, including those receiving IG. Option Care IG patients report very high levels of satisfaction — 98 percent — with Option Care’s in-home visits and ongoing support calls to help them manage their conditions.[*]Option Care Enterprises, Inc. Data on file 2016.
IG therapy is prescribed to patients with immune system-related conditions, including primary immunodeficiency disorders (the body’s immune system doesn’t function properly), autoimmune disorders (the body attacks itself) and other conditions that benefit from the treatment. IG therapy is delivered one of two ways: IVIG is infused through a vein, and SCIG is delivered into the fatty tissue just below the skin. Including IVIG and SCIG, Option Care manages more than 55,000 IG infusions each year.[*]Orange J, Kirkham H, Ayer G, et al. Improved clinical outcomes for patients receiving immunoglobulin therapy through specialty pharmacy or home infusion services. Paper presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) 2015 Annual Scientific Meeting: Nov 5-9, 2015; San Antonio.
Home Infusion IG Therapy in Focus
在最近一项创新研究中,与大型国家数据库中记录的在其他环境中接受 IG 治疗的患者相比,接受了高水平临床监督的 Option Care 家庭 IG 患者拥有更好的疗效。
Option Care 可提供所有 IG 产品,公司 1,700 多位临床医师(包括经过 IVIG/SCIG 专门培训的护士和药剂师)提供高品质的护理,包括个性化的患者护理计划、临床监测每次输液,以及全面的患者和照料者教育。
*Members 可继续接受当前隶属于参与 AmeriHealth 新泽西提供者网络的医院或健康系统之家庭输液供应商的 IVIG/SCIG。
AUSTIN, Texas — Option Care’s local dietitian-led Nutrition Support Team improves the care of patients receiving nutrition therapy at home and saves millions in costs by preventing hospitalization, according to a study being presented at the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) Clinical Nutrition Week meeting today in Austin.
此项研究跟踪了 Option Care 临床医师主动识别接受家庭肠外(静脉注射)营养 (HPN) 和家庭肠内(通过喂食管)营养 (HEN) 治疗的患者四种治疗并发症之一的次数。在每个病例中,团队都与患者医师合作以纠正问题。
“Our findings demonstrate that Option Care‘s unique tools and processes help our clinicians detect complications early and intervene before they become bigger problems and lead to hospitalization,” Noreen Luszcz, RD, MBA, CNSC, Nutrition Program Director for Option Care. “Even though we analyzed only a few of the typical clinical interventions performed over a six-month period, we found significant benefits to our high-touch clinical support.”
此项研究包括 2015 年 2 月 1 日至 7 月 31 日期间由 63 位 Option Care 营养师对 124 名 HPN 患者和 126 名 HEN 患者所收集的数据。在 Option Care 的密切监测系统识别问题并积极反应后,团队采取了 390 项临床干预措施。在此期间,一半的 HPN 患者至少住院治疗一次(20% 与营养有关,12 名患者),33% 的 HEN 患者至少住院治疗一次(9% 与营养有关,4 名患者)。然而,研究人员指出,如果没有多学科团队的密切监测和积极反应,与营养有关的住院治疗数量将显著提高。他们估计,干预措施使 957 个住院天数得以避免,因此节省了 190 多万美元。
- 管理电解质失衡(帮助肌肉和其他重要身体功能的化学物质水平)
- 管理低血糖症(低血糖会引起各种症状,包括虚弱和困惑)
- 预防脱水(可导致癫痫、精神状态改变及肾脏损害)
- 减少或消除腹泻(可导致脱水)
“Many of these patients have complicated conditions and the nutrition therapies they receive are increasingly complex,” said Luszcz. “We’ve worked tirelessly to develop effective ways of closely monitoring them to ensure complications are identified early and remedied quickly.”
Option Care’s Nutrition Support Program follows a multidisciplinary team approach to care including infusion nurses, pharmacists, and dietitians certified in nutrition support who work closely with physicians to provide quality care to HPN and HEN patients. The program includes a registered dietitian at every one of its 92 infusion pharmacies.
Patients are prescribed HPN or HEN because they cannot meet their nutrition needs orally due to conditions such as cancer, stroke, gastrointestinal disease, or surgical complications. Both therapies can be temporarily administered in the hospital, however, about 40,000 HPN patients and 344,000 HEN patients annually receive their nutrition therapy safely and with less cost at home avoiding the risk of exposure to hospital-acquired infections, returning to work, and living active lives. Although some people receive these therapies short-term many are on for a longer period and some lifelong.
关于 Option Care
Option Care Enterprises, Inc., offers clinical care provided by specially trained infusion nurses, pharmacists, and dietitians who treat patients with a wide range of acute, chronic, and rare conditions. As one of the nation’s largest providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion services, Option Care has 92 infusion pharmacies and 110 alternate treatment sites across the country. Learn more at
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Option Care
Lauren Kotarski